The Resource Guide – Part No. 1 (45 min.)
No.s 1, 2 and 10
The Resource Guide – Part No. 2 (30 min.)
Covers No.s 3, 5
The Resource Guide – Part No. 3 (33 min.)
Covers No.s 4, 6, 7
The Resource Guide – Part No. 4 (34 min.)
Covers No.s 8, 9
Personal Evangelism Resources & Training
There is a need to train and mobilize thousands of Christ–followers in the Tampa Bay region to personally and often show and share Jesus with lost people. To accomplish this will require that TBBA offers different evangelism resources for churches to use to train their members. Some of the following resources are so simple to use that they can be taught from the pulpit on Sunday mornings. Other resources involve 8 – 10 weeks of training, homework, memory work, and accountability and can be taught in triads or small groups. Most of these resources are free or inexpensive.
Evangelizing those we know

(Also available in Spanish)
1. Who’s Your One? J. D. Greear (simple/free)
This is a relational evangelism strategy that encourages every believer to identify who the “one” lost person is that the Lord wants them to focus on reaching. The emphasis is on the pastor preaching on evangelism for five Sundays (sermons are available on a thumb drive), and on church members praying for their “one” lost friend for thirty days and asking the Lord to use the believer to show and share Jesus with them (see the last resource)

(Also available in Spanish)
2. The Engagement Project (Del Tackett – Small group training – 10 sessions)
This is a relational evangelism training that stresses the need for believers to deeply love their neighbors (and others they know) so that they might influence them to be saved. Pastors and leaders need to go through 4.5 hours of online training ($100/couple) so that they can use the DVDs or links to train their church members in small groups (Online Training sessions 1-4). The North American Mission Board is considering partnering with Del Tackett to make this ministry available to churches. Visit
3. Personal Salvation Testimony (simple/free)
The best way to steer conversations, with those we know, toward spiritual things and the gospel is to share one’s personal salvation testimony. Church members can be taught to develop their testimony during a Sunday morning worship service, so that they can memorize and share it with those they know when the opportunity arises. Download the pdf here Sharing your Testimony
4. Two Great Gospel Presentations (simple/free)
Evangelizing those we don’t know

(Also available in Spanish)
5. (simple … about $400/year)
This ministry provides church business cards that are linked to incredible websites that provide answers to life’s tough questions. The training for this ministry is designed to take place on a Sunday morning from the pulpit. Visit

(Also available in Spanish)
6. Spiritual Conversation Cards (inexpensive)
There are eight church business cards that have been created with different questions or statements on them. Churches can choose the card they like the most and then provide them for their church members to give to strangers they meet during any given day. Visit to learn more.

(Also available in Spanish)
7. Gospel Tracts or Apps (free or inexpensive)
There are many incredible gospel tracts and free Apps that are available for believers to use to share the gospel with those they do not know. A great tract is Steps to Peace with God which was developed by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Churches can purchase these tracts and make them available to church members to use. Click here.
Evangelizing those we know and don’t know
8. What If?/P.L.E.A.S.E. (simple/free)
Personal evangelism training can be provided from the pulpit to equip believers to show and share Jesus with both those they know and with those they do not know. Free videos, brochures, and bookmarks are available online at so that a pastor can learn about this ministry and then lead his church members to PLEASE lost people by Praying for them, Loving them, Enjoying them, Assisting them, Sharing with them, and Engaging with them.
9. All for One (Triad group training – 8 sessions/free)
Personal evangelism training can be provided with one trainer leading 2-3 trainees through developing a lifestyle of personal evangelism through being Christ-Centered, and then Caring about, Connecting with, Conversing with, and Continuing with lost people. There is homework, memory work, and accountability.
We have presented the material as a three-step process available online here -> On this Web page you will learn more about how you can employ this strategy to equip your people to consistently show and share Jesus with others.
This three-step process includes:
– Unique Features video (12 minute overview of All for One)
– Deeper Dive video (70 minute overview of every page of All for One)
– Intensive Training videos and curriculum (6.5 hours to train leaders to train trainees)
10. All for One (simple/free – Small group study – 5 sessions)
This small group study reduces the All for One – eight session training down to five sessions and includes very little suggested homework, no accountability, and no memory work. It is a great study to use in Sunday School classes or small groups to raise the evangelism awareness of the entire church family in only five weeks. Download the “Small Group Study” here
This small group study is a good fit with the Who’s Your One? (Page 1).